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budget prep to sell challenge - part I

Prepare your senses. This blog entry may not be suitable for all audiences. Our latest project involved preparing a very tired, very dated home for the market. Did I mention it was also full of stuff?

This project would have been COMPLETELY overwhelming without the help of the "can-do" realtor/general contractor team that we worked with when listing our own property this past spring. Thank you Cari & Greg! You can find them here.

And the tale begins...

House: Longmont, Colorado aka... not Boulder. Although this town is a mere 20 minutes away, the market is very different. The market is strong here, however, the median price is well below that of Boulder.

Rather than upscaling the house to the latest and greatest, we needed to watch dollars and simply transform the house into a home that a family could see themselves living in.

Goal: going from rough & run down to clean and buyable.

Let's start with the exterior:

Here's a closer look at the state of affairs:

Notice the large roll off dumpster in the driveway. It was filled twice.


The house was re-painted, steps and deck repaired, and new exterior lighting added. And we did remove the barnlike X details.

Paint: Trim - Benjamin Moore White Dove OC-17 and Body -Wrought Iron 2124-10

Found these great lights online. You can find them here.

We did a major overhaul to the landscaping, including a general cleanup, redefining and sprucing up beds, and removing huge overgrown junipers that blocked sunlight from the basement (unfortunately they were pulled before I took the "before" shot).

The back patio off of the dining area was in really rough shape. The landscapers floated a new flagstone patio above the old cracked concrete one.



The real fun happened inside of this house. Details in my next blog post coming soon. Here is a little teaser of what we were up against:

Just put the house on the market. Fingers crossed.

Happy November! It is a beautiful snowy day here in Boulder :-)


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